

វិគីភីឌា:WikiProject Deletion sorting/Navigation

This is a collection of discussions on the deletion of articles related to {{{1}}}. It is one of many deletion lists coordinated by WikiProject Deletion sorting.

Anyone can help maintain the list on this page:

  • To add a new AfD discussion (once it has already been opened on WP:AFD):
  • Look through the list of current discussions to find items related to this subject area.
  • Edit this page and add {{Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/PageName}} to the top of the list. Replace "PageName" with the relevant article name, i.e. the one on the existing AFD discussion. When you save the page, the discussion will automatically appear.
  • You can also tag the AfD by adding
to it, which will inform users that it has been listed here. You may place this tag above or below the nomination statement or at the end of the discussion thread.
  • Closed AfD discussions are automatically removed by a bot.
  • You can also add and remove links to other discussions (prod, CfD, TfD etc.) related to {{{1}}}.

Please note that adding an AfD to, or removing it from, this page does not add it to, or remove it from, the main page at WP:AFD. If you want to nominate an article for deletion, go through the process on that page, before adding it to this page.

For further information see Wikipedia's deletion policy and WP:AfD for general information about Articles for Deletion, including a list of article deletions sorted by day of nomination.

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