Registered Editor (or Signator)[ កែប្រែ ]
This user is a Registered Editor and is entitled to display this Service Badge .
{{Registered Editor }}
This editor is a Signator and is entitled to display this Scroll of Signatures .
{{Signator }}
{{Registered Editor Userbox }}
This editor is a Signator and is entitled to display this Scroll of Signatures .
{{Signator Userbox }}
Registered Editor
{{Registered Editor Ribbon }}
[[File:Wikipedian Editor Ribbon 1.svg ]]
1 edit and
1 day of service
Incremental service award ribbons are also available, starting at 50 edits and 8 days of service.
Novice Editor (or Burba)[ កែប្រែ ]
This editor is a Novice Editor and is entitled to display this Service Badge .
{{Novice Editor }}
This editor is a Burba and is entitled to display this First Book of Wikipedia .
{{Burba }}
This editor is a Novice Editor and is entitled to display this Service Badge .
{{Novice Editor Userbox }}
This editor is a Burba and is entitled to display this First Book of Wikipedia .
{{Burba Userbox }}
Novice Editor
{{Novice Editor Ribbon }}
[[File:Wikipedian Editor Ribbon 2.svg ]]
200 edits and
1 month of service
Incremental service award ribbons are also available, starting at 400 edits and 1 month 15 days of service.
Apprentice Editor (or Novato)[ កែប្រែ ]
This editor is an Apprentice Editor and is entitled to display this Service Badge .
{{Apprentice Editor }}
This editor is a Novato and is entitled to display this Wikipedia Picture Story Book .
{{Novato }}
{{Apprentice Editor Userbox }}
ទំព័រគំរូ:Novato Userbox
{{Novato Userbox }}
Apprentice Editor
{{Apprentice Editor Ribbon }}
[[File:Wikipedian Editor Ribbon 3.svg ]]
1,000 edits and
3 months of service
Incremental service award ribbons are also available, starting at 1,250 edits and 3 months 23 days of service.
Journeyman Editor (or Grognard)[ កែប្រែ ]
This editor is a Journeyman Editor and is entitled to display this Service Badge .
{{Journeyman Editor }}
This editor is a Grognard and is entitled to display this Wikipedia Little Red Book .
{{Grognard }}
{{Journeyman Editor Userbox }}
ទំព័រគំរូ:Grognard Userbox
{{Grognard Userbox }}
Journeyman Editor
{{Journeyman Editor Ribbon }}
[[File:Wikipedian Editor Ribbon 4.svg ]]
2,000 edits and
6 months of service
Incremental service award ribbons are also available, starting at 2,500 edits and 7 months 15 days of service.
This editor is a Yeoman Editor and is entitled to display this Service Badge .
{{Yeoman Editor }}
This editor is a Grognard Extraordinaire and is entitled to display this Wikipedia Vest Pocket Edition .
{{Grognard II }}
This editor is a Yeoman Editor and is entitled to display this Service Badge .
{{Yeoman Editor Userbox }}
ទំព័រគំរូ:Grognard II Userbox
{{Grognard II Userbox }}
Yeoman Editor
{{Yeoman Editor Ribbon }}
[[File:Editorrib5.PNG ]]
4,000 edits and
1 year of service
Experienced Editor (or Grognard Mirabilaire)[ កែប្រែ ]
This editor is an Experienced Editor and is entitled to display this Service Badge .
{{Experienced Editor }}
This editor is a Grognard Mirabilaire and is entitled to display this 1937 Wikipedia First Edition.
{{Grognard III }}
ទំព័រគំរូ:Experienced Editor Userbox
{{Experienced Editor Userbox }}
ទំព័រគំរូ:Grognard III Userbox
{{Grognard III Userbox }}
ទំព័រគំរូ:Experienced Editor Ribbon
{{Experienced Editor Ribbon }}
[[File:Wikipedian Editor Ribbon 6.svg ]]
6,000 edits and
11 ⁄2 years of service
Veteran Editor (or Tutnum)[ កែប្រែ ]
This editor is a Veteran Editor and is entitled to display this Iron Editor Star .
{{Veteran Editor }}
This editor is a Tutnum and is entitled to display this Book of Knowledge .
{{Tutnum }}
ទំព័រគំរូ:Veteran Editor Userbox
{{Veteran Editor Userbox }}
This editor is a Tutnum and is entitled to display this Book of Knowledge .
{{Tutnum Userbox }}
Veteran Editor
{{Veteran Editor Ribbon }}
[[File:Wikipedian Editor Ribbon 7.svg ]]
8,000 edits and
2 years of service
Veteran Editor II (or Grand Tutnum)[ កែប្រែ ]
This editor is a Veteran Editor II and is entitled to display this Bronze Editor Star .
{{Veteran Editor II }}
This editor is a Grand Tutnum and is entitled to display this Book of Knowledge with Coffee Cup Stain .
{{Tutnum II }}
ទំព័រគំរូ:Veteran Editor II Userbox
{{Veteran Editor II Userbox }}
This editor is a Grand Tutnum and is entitled to display this Book of Knowledge with Coffee Cup Stain .
{{Tutnum II Userbox }}
Veteran Editor II
{{Veteran Editor II Ribbon }}
[[File:Wikipedian Editor Ribbon 8.svg ]]
12,000 edits and
21 ⁄2 years of service
Veteran Editor III (or Most Perfect Tutnum)[ កែប្រែ ]
This editor is a Veteran Editor III and is entitled to display this Silver Editor Star .
{{Veteran Editor III }}
This editor is a Most Perfect Tutnum and is entitled to display this Book of Knowledge with Coffee Cup Stain and Cigarette Burn .
{{Tutnum III }}
ទំព័រគំរូ:Veteran Editor III Userbox
{{Veteran Editor III Userbox }}
This editor is a Most Perfect Tutnum and is entitled to display this Book of Knowledge with Coffee Cup Stain and Cigarette Burn .
{{Tutnum III Userbox }}
Veteran Editor III
{{Veteran Editor III Ribbon }}
[[File:Wikipedian Editor Ribbon 9.svg ]]
16,000 edits and
3 years of service
Veteran Editor IV (or Tutnum of the Encyclopedia)[ កែប្រែ ]
This editor is a Veteran Editor IV and is entitled to display this Gold Editor Star .
{{Veteran Editor IV }}
This editor is a Tutnum of the Encyclopedia and is entitled to display this Book of Knowledge with Coffee Cup Stain, Cigarette Burn, and Chewed Broken Pencil .
{{Tutnum IV }}
ទំព័រគំរូ:Veteran Editor IV Userbox
{{Veteran Editor IV Userbox }}
This editor is a Tutnum of the Encyclopedia and is entitled to display this Book of Knowledge with Coffee Cup Stain, Cigarette Burn, and Chewed Broken Pencil .
{{Tutnum IV Userbox }}
Veteran Editor IV
{{Veteran Editor IV Ribbon }}
[[File:Wikipedian Editor Ribbon 10.svg ]]
20,000 edits and
31 ⁄2 years of service
Senior Editor (or Labutnum)[ កែប្រែ ]
This editor is a Senior Editor and is entitled to display this Rhodium Editor Star .
{{Senior Editor }}
This editor is a Labutnum and is entitled to display this Book of Knowledge with Coffee Cup Stain, Cigarette Burn, Chewed Broken Pencil, and Sticky Note .
{{Labutnum }}
ទំព័រគំរូ:Senior Editor Userbox
{{Senior Editor Userbox }}
ទំព័រគំរូ:Labutnum Userbox
{{Labutnum Userbox }}
Senior Editor
{{Senior Editor Ribbon }}
[[File:Wikipedian Editor Ribbon 11.svg ]]
24,000 edits and
4 years of service
Senior Editor II (or Most Pluperfect Labutnum)[ កែប្រែ ]
This editor is a Senior Editor II and is entitled to display this Rhodium Editor Star .
{{Senior Editor II }}
This editor is a Most Pluperfect Labutnum and is entitled to display this Book of Knowledge with Coffee Cup Stain, Cigarette Burn, Chewed Broken Pencil, Sticky Note, and Bookmark .
{{Labutnum II }}
ទំព័រគំរូ:Senior Editor II Userbox
{{Senior Editor II Userbox }}
ទំព័រគំរូ:Labutnum II Userbox
{{Labutnum II Userbox }}
Senior Editor II
{{Senior Editor II Ribbon }}
[[File:Editorrib12.png ]]
28,500 edits and
41 ⁄2 years of service
Senior Editor III (or Labutnum of the Encyclopedia)[ កែប្រែ ]
This editor is a Senior Editor III and is entitled to display this Rhodium Editor Star .
{{Senior Editor III }}
This editor is a Labutnum of the Encyclopedia and is entitled to display this Book of Knowledge with Coffee Cup Stain, Cigarette Burn, Chewed Broken Pencil, Sticky Note, Bookmark, and Note from Jimbo .
{{Labutnum III }}
ទំព័រគំរូ:Senior Editor III Userbox
{{Senior Editor III Userbox }}
ទំព័រគំរូ:Tutnum VII Userbox
{{Labutnum III Userbox }}
Senior Editor III
{{Senior Editor III Ribbon }}
[[File:Wikipedian Editor Ribbon 13.svg ]]
33,000 edits and
5 years of service
Master Editor (or Illustrious Looshpah)[ កែប្រែ ]
This editor is a Master Editor and is entitled to display this Platinum Editor Star .
{{Master Editor }}
This editor is an Illustrious Looshpah and is entitled to display this Book of All Knowledge .
{{Looshpah }}
ទំព័រគំរូ:Master Editor Userbox
{{Master Editor Userbox }}
{{Looshpah Userbox }}
Master Editor
{{Master Editor Ribbon }}
[[File:Wikipedian Editor Ribbon 14.svg ]]
42,000 edits and
6 years of service
Master Editor II (or Auspicious Looshpah)[ កែប្រែ ]
This editor is a Master Editor II and is entitled to display this Platinum Editor Star .
{{Master Editor II }}
This editor is an Auspicious Looshpah and is entitled to display this Book of All Knowledge with Secret Appendix .
{{Looshpah II }}
ទំព័រគំរូ:Master Editor II Userbox
{{Master Editor II Userbox }}
This editor is an Auspicious Looshpah and is entitled to display this Book of All Knowledge with Secret Appendix .
{{Looshpah II Userbox }}
Master Editor II
{{Master Editor II Ribbon }}
[[File:Editorrib15.png ]]
51,000 edits and
7 years of service
Master Editor III (or Most Plusquamperfect Looshpah Laureate)[ កែប្រែ ]
This editor is a Master Editor III and is entitled to display this Bufonite Editor Star .
{{Master Editor III }}
This editor is a Most Plusquamperfect Looshpah Laureate and is entitled to display this Book of All Knowledge with Secret Appendix and Free Errata Sheet .
{{Looshpah III }}
ទំព័រគំរូ:Master Editor III Userbox
{{Master Editor III Userbox }}
{{Looshpah III Userbox }}
Sovereign Editor
{{Master Editor III Ribbon }}
[[File:Editorrib16.png ]]
60,000 edits and
8 years of service
Master Editor IV (or Looshpah Laureate of the Encyclopedia)[ កែប្រែ ]
This editor is a Master Editor IV and is entitled to display this Orichalcum Editor Star .
{{Master Editor IV }}
This editor is a Looshpah Laureate of the Encyclopedia and is entitled to display this Book of All Knowledge with Secret Appendix, Free Errata Sheet, and Author's Signature .
{{Looshpah IV }}
ទំព័រគំរូ:Master Editor IV Userbox
{{Master Editor IV Userbox }}
{{Looshpah IV Userbox }}
Ultimate Editor
{{Master Editor IV Ribbon }}
[[File:Editorrib17.png ]]
78,000 edits and
10 years of service
Grandmaster Editor (or Lord High Togneme Vicarus)[ កែប្រែ ]
This editor is a Grandmaster Editor and is entitled to display this Lapis Philosophorum Editor Star with the Neutronium Superstar .
{{Grandmaster Editor }}
This editor is a Lord High Togneme Vicarus and is entitled to write the Book of All Knowledge: 2nd Edition .
{{Togneme }}
{{Grandmaster Editor Userbox }}
{{Togneme Userbox }}
Grandmaster Editor
{{Grandmaster Editor Ribbon }}
[[File:Editorrib18a.png ]]
96,000 edits and
12 years of service
Grandmaster Editor First-Class (or Lord High Togneme Laureate)[ កែប្រែ ]
This editor is a Grandmaster Editor First-Class and is entitled to display this Mithril Editor Star with the Neutronium Superstar hologram .
{{Grandmaster Editor FC }}
This editor is a Lord High Togneme Laureate and is entitled to write the Book of All Knowledge: 3rd Edition and attach the library barcode.
{{Togneme II }}
{{Grandmaster Editor FC Userbox }}
This editor is a Lord High Togneme Laureate and is entitled to write the Book of All Knowledge: 3rd Edition and attach the library barcode.
{{Togneme II Userbox }}
Grandmaster FC Editor
{{Grandmaster Editor FC Ribbon }}
[[File:Editorrib19.png ]]
114,000 edits and
14 years of service
Vanguard Editor (or Lord Gom, the Highest Togneme of the Encyclopedia)[ កែប្រែ ]
This editor is a Vanguard Editor and is entitled to display this Unobtainium Editor Star with the Neutronium Superstar hologram .
{{Vanguard Editor }}
This editor is Lord Gom, the Highest Togneme of the Encyclopedia and is entitled to keep the floor plan of The Great Library of Alecyclopedias , including its ancient access keys.
{{Gom }}
{{Vanguard Editor Userbox }}
{{Gom Userbox }}
Vanguard Editor
{{Vanguard Editor Ribbon }}
[[File:Editorrib20.png ]]
132,000 edits and
16 years of service