


សូមស្វាគមន៍មកកាន់ ផតថលសហគមន៍ វិគីភីឌាភាសាខ្មែរ! ទីនេះគឺជាមណ្ឌលព័ត៌មានអំពីសហគមន៍យើង ក៏ដូចជាវិគីគម្រោង ឬសកម្មភាពនានា ហើយនឹងកិច្ចការដែលត្រូវធ្វើចំពេាះមុខ សម្រាប់វិគីភីឌាភាសាខ្មែរ។

អ្នកអាចរកមើលថា តើសហគមន៍យើងមានក្រុមការងារណាខ្លះ ដែលអ្នកអាចចុះឈ្មោះជាសមាជិក ក៏ដូចជាគម្រោងណា ឬកិច្ចការណាខ្លះដែលអ្នកអាចចូលរួមចំណែកបំពេញបាន។ លើសពីនេះ អ្នកក៏អាចចែករំលែក ឬទទួលបាននូវព័ត៌មានថ្មីៗ និងសកម្មភាពនានាដែលអ្នកវិគីភីឌាភាសាខ្មែរយើងសម្រេចបានកន្លងមក។

  • ជំនួយ with an aspect of វិគីភីឌា: see the help documentation, ឬ ask a question for assistance.
  • ចម្លើយ for questions about factual topics: please visit Wikipedia's [[វិគីភីឌា::Reference desk|reference desk]].
  • កន្លែងសម្រាប់ធ្វើការពិភាក្សា អំពីអ្វីមួយជាមួយសមាជិកដទៃ: the village pump is វិគីភីឌា's main discussion forum.
  • A place to resolve disputes: use the dispute resolution guidelines.

Community bulletin board

Centralized discussion
  • Discussion on removing block notices from user talkpages.
  • Proposal to establish a minimum prep-time for main-page blurbs
  • Proposal to make all subsidiary MOS pages subpages of WP:MOS
  • Proposal to elevate WP:MILMOS/N from Essay status to Guideline status.
  • RfC on a proposed new exemption from the three-revert rule
  • Final proposal on implementing changes to the dispute resolution process, following previous discussion
  • RfC on whether images of historical importance must themselves be the "subjects of commentary" before we can claim fair use for them
  • Poll to gain consensus on use of hyphens and dashes in relation to a request for arbitration
  • RfC on improving account security
  • Proposal to suspend sysop rights after one year of inactivity due to recent security concerns
  • RfC on how to improve enforcement of non-free content issues
  • RfC on changing the requests for bureaucratship promotion threshold


Project pages seeking contributors

Consider posting WikiProject, Task Force, and Collaboration news at the Signpost's WikiProject Report page.

WikiProjects and Task Forces

Portals and Collaborations


Discussions in the following areas have requested wider attention:

ចូលរួមជួយ (Help out)

វិគីភីឌា គឺជាសព្វវចនាធិប្បាយធំជាងគេបំផុតមិនដែលមាន បើគិតអំពីចំនួនអត្ថបទ និងខ្លឹមសារចំនេះដឹងទាំងអស់។ ទោះបីជាយ៉ាងនេះក្ដី មានអត្ថបទមួយចំនួន គឺគ្រាន់តែជាអត្ថបទខ្លីមិនពេញលេញល្អនៅឡើញ ដូច្នេះ ត្រូវការការចូលរួមសរសេរបន្ថែម។ If you like, go ahead, be bold, and jump right in. If you are not ready to fly solo, you can participate in a Collaboration.

កិច្ចការដែលត្រូវបំពេញ (Things to do)[កែប្រែ]

កិច្ចការទូទៅ - General tasks
ការបញ្ចេញមតិ-យោបល់ - Commenting
ជំនាញពិសេសៗ - Special skills

Fix-up projects[កែប្រែ]

កិច្ចការចំហរ - Open tasks[កែប្រែ]

Here are some tasks you can do:

Not sure where to report a certain type of problem with article content? If it exists, it is probably listed at វិគីភីឌា:Maintenance.

Purge the cache of the list above

សហប្រតិបត្តិការណ៍ - Collaborations

To improve the quality of articles that are short or lacking in detail, វិគីភីឌា's community organizes collaborations to expand articles.

សហប្រតិបត្តិការណ៍ តាមប្រធានបទ (Collaborations by topic)[កែប្រែ]

Other collaborations[កែប្រែ]

Active improvement teams[កែប្រែ]

វិគីគម្រោង - WikiProjects[កែប្រែ]

WikiProjects are ongoing team efforts to improve articles having to do with a particular subject, and to manage the logistics of that topic. Hundreds exist—examine the master list to find one that interests you.

ការបកប្រែភាសា - Language translation[កែប្រែ]

វិគីភីឌា is not just in English. Versions exist in many different languages. To fill in some of the English វិគីភីឌា's gaps, we translate articles from other languages into English. You can view a list of articles that need translation from any language, or, in a few cases, by only one language (this is only available for the more popular languages).

Guidelines, help & resources

វិគីភីឌា has many help pages, policies, and departments. Here are some of the most general. For a comprehensive list of វិគីភីឌា's departments, see the វិគីភីឌា department directory.

ជំនួយ - Help[កែប្រែ]


Policies and guidelines[កែប្រែ]

វិគីភីឌា has many established policies, guidelines, conventions, and traditions. This is a very brief sampling of some of the most important; for more information, see the main policies and guidelines page. Policies and guidelines apply to both articles and how to work with fellow editors. For easy access, the shortcuts to the pages are also listed.

បទដ្ឋាន ឬស្ដង់ដារនៃអត្ថបទ (Article standards)[កែប្រែ]

Be bold! WP:BOLD
Citing sources WP:CITE • WP:REF
Copyrights WP:C
Editing WP:EP
External links WP:EL
Image use WP:IUP
Include only verifiable information WP:V
Manual of Style WP:MOS • WP:STYLE
Neutral point of view WP:NPOV
What Wikipedia is not WP:NOT

ធ្វើការងាររួមជាមួយអ្នកដទៃ (Working with others)[កែប្រែ]

Assume good faith WP:AGF
Avoid instruction creep WP:CREEP
Civility and etiquette WP:CIV • WP:EQ
Consensus WP:CON
IPs are human too WP:HUMAN
Do not bite the newcomers WP:BITE
Do not disrupt Wikipedia to illustrate a point WP:POINT
No personal attacks WP:NPA • WP:ATTACK
Resolving disputes WP:DR
Vandalism WP:VAND

ធនធាន (Resources)[កែប្រែ]

ព័ត៌មាន សម្រាប់អ្នកប្រើប្រាស់ថ្មី (New user information)

សេចក្ដីណែនាំ · ប្រអប់ខ្សាច់ ឬ Sandbox · ជំនួយ · Adoption · What Wikipedia is not · Glossary · ផលប្រយោជន៍នៃការបង្កើតគណនី · Planning school assignments · New contributors' help page · សំណួរសួរជាញឹកញាប់ (FAQ)

របៀបធ្វើការទំនាក់ទំនងគ្នា (Ways to communicate)

Contact (overview) · ទំព័រពិភាក្សា (Discussion pages) · បញ្ជី Mailing lists · IRC chat · ការជួបជុំ (Meetup) · ទំព័រអ្នកប្រើប្រាស់ (User pages) · ស្នើសុំមតិ-យោបល់ (Requests for comment) · បញ្ជីតាមដានសាធារណៈ (Public watchlists) · ក្ដារប្រកាសព័ត៌មាន អំពីសហគមន៍ថ្នាក់តំបន់ (Regional notice boards) · Administrators' noticeboard · Requests for article feedback · ស្ថានទូតមូលដ្ឋាន (Local Embassy)

ក្រុមការងារ និងកម្មវិធីគាំទ្រសហគមន៏ (Community support groups and programs)

Welcoming committee · Editor assistance · Wiki-adoption · Birthday Committee · Harmonious editing club · Wikipedia awards program · Dept. of Fun · Missing encyclopedic articles

របៀបរបបទូទៅ (Common procedures)

Featured content · Good articles · Requests for feedback · Deleting a page (full policy) · Moving a page (naming policies) · Protecting a page (full policy) · Reverting a page · Administrator nominations (summaries) · Category-based access

វិធីដោះស្រាយជម្លោះ-វិវាទ (How to resolve conflicts)

Stay cool! · Be nice to newcomers · Alert others · Dispute resolution · Arbitration policy

ព័ត៌មានអំពីសហគមន៍ (Community information)

អំពីវិគីភីឌា · Goings-on · អំពីវិគីមេឌា · អ្នកវិគីភីឌា · Wiki-adoption · Donations · Merchandise · ក្រុមអ្នកអភិបាល · Babel · Culture · Games · Humor · Mottoes

សហគមន៍នៃគម្រោងដទៃទៀត (Related communities)

The links below lead to the main community pages of the projects.
All of these projects are multilingual and open-content.
Meta-Wiki – Coordination of all Wikimedia projects.
Wiktionary – A collaborative multilingual dictionary.
Wikinews – News stories written by readers.
Wikibooks – A collection of collaborative non-fiction books.
Wikiquote – A compendium of referenced quotations.
Wikisource – A repository for free source texts.
Wikispecies – A directory of species.
Wikiversity – Where teachers learn, and learners teach.
Commons – Repository for free images and other media files.

ចំណុចគន្លឹះប្រចាំថ្ងៃ (Tip of the day)[កែប្រែ]

វិគីភីឌា:Tip of the day/ខែមេសា ២៥
Read all tips