អត្ថបទនេះត្រូវការបកប្រែទៅជាភាសាខ្មែរ។ អត្ថបទនេះត្រូវបានសរសេរជាភាសាផ្សេង ដែលមិនមែនជាភាសាខ្មែរ។ បើសិនជាអត្ថបទទុកសម្រាប់អ្នកអានមកពី សហគមន៍នៃភាសាមួយនេះ វាគួរតែចែកចាយទៅវិគីភីឌាជាភាសានោះ។ សូមមើល បញ្ជីនៃគម្រោងវិគីភីឌាទាំងអស់។ សូមមើល ច្រកចូលអត្ថបទនេះ លើក្រុមទំព័រដែលត្រូវការបំណកប្រែទៅជាភាសាខ្មែរ ដើម្បីពិភាក្សា ។ ប្រសិនបើ អត្ថបទមិនត្រូវបានសរសេរជាភាសាខ្មែរឡើងវិញទេ ក្នុងរយៈពេលពីរសប្ដាហ៍ទៀត អត្ថបទនឹងត្រូវចុះបញ្ជីដើម្បីលុបចោល និង/ឬ ប្ដូរវាទៅកាន់វិគីភីឌាជាភាសាដើមរបស់វាវិញ ។ បើសិនជាលោកអ្នក គ្រាន់តែចង់បិទស្លាកទំព័រនេះត្រូវការបំណកប្រែ សូមបញ្ចូល {{អាទេស.:ត្រូវការបកប្រែ | ទំ. = និមិត្តសញ្ញាគីមី | ភាសា = មិនស្គាល់ | ផ្ដល់យោបល់ = }} ~~~~ ទៅខាងក្រោម នៃផ្នែក នៃក្រុមទំព័រនេះត្រូវការបំណកប្រែទៅជាភាសាខ្មែរ ។ |
Current symbols
[កែប្រែ]និមិត្តសញ្ញា | ឈ្មោះ | Etymology of symbol | លេខអាតូម | Relative atomic mass | ក្រុម | ខួប | Metallic character |
Ac | អាក់ទីញ៉ូម | from Greek aktinos (ray) | 89 | [nb ១] | [227]7 | Actinide | |
Ag | ប្រាក់ (Silver) | Latin argentum (silver) | 47 | [nb ២] | 107.8682(2)11 | 5 | Transition metal |
Al | អាលុយមីញ៉ូម (Aluminum) | Latin alumen (alum) | 13 | 26.9815386(8) | 13 | 3 | Other metal |
Am | Americium | the Americas | 95 | [nb ១] | [243]7 | Actinide | |
Ar | Argon | Greek argon (inert) | 18 | [nb ២][nb ៣] | 39.948(1)18 | 3 | ឧស្ម័នកំរ |
As | Arsenic | Greek arsenikos (male) | 33 | 74.92160(2) | 15 | 4 | Metalloid |
At | Astatine | Greek astatos (unstable) | 85 | [nb ១] | [210]17 | 6 | Metalloid |
Au | មាស | Latin aurum (gold) | 79 | 196.966569(4) | 11 | 6 | Transition metal |
B | Boron | borax | 5 | [nb ២][nb ៣][nb ៤] | 10.811(7)13 | 2 | Metalloid |
Ba | បារ៉្យូម (Barium) | Greek barys (density) | 56 | 137.327(7) | 2 | 6 | Alkaline earth metal |
Be | បេរីល្យូម (Beryllium) | beryl | 4 | 9.012182(3) | 2 | 2 | Alkaline earth metal |
Bh | Bohrium | Niels Bohr | 107 | [nb ១] | [264]7 | 7 | Transition metal |
Bi | Bismuth | from German wiss muth (white-mass), becoming bismuth in English | 83 | 208.98040(1) | 15 | 6 | Other metal |
Bk | Berkelium | Berkeley, California | 97 | [nb ១] | [247]7 | Actinide | |
Br | Bromine | Greek bromos (stench) | 35 | 79.904(1) | 17 | 4 | Diatomic nonmetal |
C | Carbon | Latin carbo (charcoal) | 6 | [nb ២][nb ៣] | 12.0107(8)14 | 2 | Polyatomic nonmetal |
Ca | កាល់ស្យូម (Calcium) | Latin calx (lime) | 20 | [nb ២] | 40.078(4)2 | 4 | Alkaline earth metal |
Cd | Cadmium | Greek kadmia (earth) | 48 | [nb ២] | 112.411(8)12 | 5 | Transition metal |
Ce | Cerium | Ceres | 58 | [nb ២] | 140.116(1)6 | Lanthanide | |
Cf | Californium | State and University of California | 98 | [nb ១] | [251]7 | Actinide | |
Cl | Chlorine | Greek chloros (green-yellow) | 17 | [nb ២][nb ៣][nb ៤] | 35.453(2)17 | 3 | Diatomic nonmetal |
Cm | Curium | Pierre and Marie Curie and the traditional -um ending | 96 | [nb ១] | [247]7 | Actinide | |
Cn | Copernicium | Nicolaus Copernicus | 112 | [nb ១] | [285]12 | 7 | Transition metal |
Co | Cobalt | from German kobold | 27 | 58.933195(5) | 9 | 4 | Transition metal |
Cr | Chromium | Greek chroma (color) | 24 | 51.9961(6) | 6 | 4 | Transition metal |
Cs | សេស្យូម (Cesium) | Latin caesius (sky blue) | 55 | 132.9054519(2) | 1 | 6 | Alkali metal |
Cu | ទង់ដែង (Copper) | Latin Cuprum (Cyprus) | 29 | [nb ៣] | 63.546(3)11 | 4 | Transition metal |
Db | Dubnium | Dubna, Russia | 105 | [nb ១] | [262]5 | 7 | Transition metal |
Ds | Darmstadtium | Darmstadt, Germany | 110 | [nb ១] | [271]10 | 7 | Unknown |
Dy | Dysprosium | Greek dysprositos | 66 | [nb ២] | 162.500(1)6 | Lanthanide | |
Er | Erbium | Ytterby, Sweden | 68 | [nb ២] | 167.259(3)6 | Lanthanide | |
Es | Einsteinium | Albert Einstein | 99 | [nb ១] | [252]7 | Actinide | |
Eu | Europium | Europe | 63 | [nb ២] | 151.964(1)6 | Lanthanide | |
F | Fluorine | Latin fluo (flow) | 9 | 18.9984032(5) | 17 | 2 | Diatomic nonmetal |
Fe | ដែក (Iron) | Latin ferrum (iron) | 26 | 55.845(2) | 8 | 4 | Transition metal |
Fl | Flerovium | Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions | 114 | [nb ១] | [289]14 | 7 | Unknown |
Fm | Fermium | Enrico Fermi | 100 | [nb ១] | [257]7 | Actinide | |
Fr | ហ្វ្រង់ស្យូម (Francium) | France | 87 | [nb ១] | [223]1 | 7 | Alkali metal |
Ga | Gallium | Latin Gallia (Gaul) | 31 | 69.723(1) | 13 | 4 | Other metal |
Gd | Gadolinium | gadolinite | 64 | [nb ២] | 157.25(3)6 | Lanthanide | |
Ge | Germanium | Germany | 32 | 72.64(1) | 14 | 4 | Metalloid |
H | អុីដ្រូសែន (Hydrogen) | Greek hydor gennao (liquid-produce) | 1 | [nb ២][nb ៣][nb ៤] | 1.00794(7)1 | 1 | Diatomic nonmetal |
He | អេល្យូម | Greek helios (Sun) | 2 | [nb ២][nb ៣] | 4.002602(2)18 | 1 | ឧស្ម័នកំរ |
Hf | Hafnium | Latin Hafnia (Copenhagen) | 72 | 178.49(2) | 4 | 6 | Transition metal |
Hg | Mercury | Greek hydrargyrum (liquid silver) | 80 | 200.59(2) | 12 | 6 | Transition metal |
Ho | Holmium | Latin Holmia (Stockholm) | 67 | 164.930 32(2) | 6 | Lanthanide | |
Hs | Hassium | Hesse, Germany | 108 | [nb ១] | [277]8 | 7 | Transition metal |
I | Iodine | Greek ioeides (violet) | 53 | 126.904 47(3) | 17 | 5 | Diatomic nonmetal |
In | Indium | indigo blue | 49 | 114.818(3) | 13 | 5 | Other metal |
Ir | Iridium | Greek iris (rainbow) | 77 | 192.217(3) | 9 | 6 | Transition metal |
K | ប៉ូតាស្យូម (Potassium) | Latin kalium (potassium) | 19 | 39.0983(1) | 1 | 4 | Alkali metal |
Kr | Krypton | Greek kryptos (concealment) | 36 | [nb ២][nb ៤] | 83.798(2)18 | 4 | ឧស្ម័នកំរ |
La | ឡង់តាន | Greek lanthano (escape) | 57 | [nb ២] | 138.90547(7)6 | Lanthanide | |
Li | លីចូម (Lithium) | Greek lithos (rock) | 3 | [nb ២][nb ៣][nb ៤][nb ៥] | 6.941(2)1 | 2 | Alkali metal |
Lr | Lawrencium | Ernest O. Lawrence | 103 | [nb ១] | [262]3 | 7 | Actinide |
Lu | Lutetium | Latin Lutetia (Paris) | 71 | [nb ២] | 174.967(1)3 | 6 | Lanthanide |
Lv | Livermorium | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | 116 | [nb ១] | [292]16 | 7 | Unknown |
Md | Mendelevium | Dmitri Mendeleyev | 101 | [nb ១] | [258]7 | Actinide | |
Mg | ម៉ាញ៉េស្យូម (Magnesium) | Magnesia, Greece | 12 | 24.3050(6) | 2 | 3 | Alkaline earth metal |
Mn | Manganese | Greek magnes (magnet) | 25 | 54.938045(5) | 7 | 4 | Transition metal |
Mo | Molybdenum | Greek molybdos (lead) | 42 | [nb ២] | 95.94(2)6 | 5 | Transition metal |
Mt | Meitnerium | Lise Meitner | 109 | [nb ១] | [268]9 | 7 | Unknown |
N | Nitrogen | Greek nitron (niter) | 7 | [nb ២][nb ៣] | 14.0067(2)15 | 2 | Diatomic nonmetal |
Na | សូដ្យូម (Sodium) | Latin natrium (sodium) | 11 | 22.98976928(2) | 1 | 3 | Alkali metal |
Nb | ញ៉ូប្យូម (Niobium) | Niobe | 41 | 92.906 38(2) | 5 | 5 | Transition metal |
Nd | Neodymium | Greek neos didymos (novelty-twin) | 60 | [nb ២] | 144.242(3)6 | Lanthanide | |
Ne | នេអុង | Greek neos (novelty) | 10 | [nb ២][nb ៤] | 20.1797(6)18 | 2 | ឧស្ម័នកំរ |
Ni | Nickel | German kupfernickel (nickeline) | 28 | 58.6934(2) | 10 | 4 | Transition metal |
No | Nobelium | Alfred Nobel | 102 | [nb ១] | [259]7 | Actinide | |
Np | Neptunium | Neptune | 93 | [nb ១] | [237]7 | Actinide | |
O2 | អុកស៊ីសែន | Greek oxys (acid) | 8 | [nb ២][nb ៣] | 15.9994(3)16 | 2 | Diatomic nonmetal |
Os | Osmium | Greek osme (odor) | 76 | [nb ២] | 190.23(3)8 | 6 | Transition metal |
P | Phosphorus | Greek phosphoros (light bearer) | 15 | 30.973762(2) | 15 | 3 | Polyatomic nonmetal |
Pa | Protactinium | Greek protos and actinium | 91 | [nb ១] | 231.03588(2)7 | Actinide | |
Pb | Lead | Latin plumbum (lead) | 82 | [nb ២][nb ៣] | 207.2(1)14 | 6 | Other metal |
Pd | Palladium | Pallas (genitive Pallados) | 46 | [nb ២] | 106.42(1)10 | 5 | Transition metal |
Pm | Promethium | Prometheus | 61 | [nb ១] | [145]6 | Lanthanide | |
Po | Polonium | Poland | 84 | [nb ១] | [210]16 | 6 | Other metal |
Pr | Praseodymium | Greek prasios (green) | 59 | 140.90765(2) | 6 | Lanthanide | |
Pt | Platinum | Spanish platina (silver) | 78 | 195.084(9) | 10 | 6 | Transition metal |
Pu | Plutonium | Pluto | 94 | [nb ១] | [244]7 | Actinide | |
Ra | រ៉ាដ្យូម (Radium) | Latin radius (ray) | 88 | [nb ១] | [226]2 | 7 | Alkaline earth metal |
Rb | រុយប៊ីដ្យូម (Rubidium) | Latin rubidus (red) | 37 | [nb ២] | 85.4678(3)1 | 5 | Alkali metal |
Re | Rhenium | German Rheinprovinz | 75 | 186.207(1) | 7 | 6 | Transition metal |
Rf | Rutherfordium | Ernest Rutherford | 104 | [nb ១] | 2614 | 7 | Transition metal |
Rg | Roentgenium | Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen | 111 | [nb ១] | [272]11 | 7 | Unknown |
Rh | Rhodium | Greek rhodon (rose) | 45 | 102.905 50(2) | 9 | 5 | Transition metal |
Rn | Radon | radium and emanation | 86 | [nb ១] | [220]18 | 6 | ឧស្ម័នកំរ |
Ru | Ruthenium | Latin Ruthenia (Russia) | 44 | [nb ២] | 101.07(2)8 | 5 | Transition metal |
S | Sulfur (Sulphur) | Latin sulfur | 16 | [nb ២][nb ៣] | 32.065(5)16 | 3 | Polyatomic nonmetal |
Sb | Antimony | Latin stibium (eye liner) | 51 | [nb ២] | 121.760(1)15 | 5 | Metalloid |
Sc | ស្កង់ដ្យូម (Scandium) | Scandinavia | 21 | 44.955912(6) | 3 | 4 | Transition metal |
Se | Selenium | Greek selene (Moon) | 34 | [nb ៣] | 78.96(3)16 | 4 | Polyatomic nonmetal |
Sg | Seaborgium | Glenn T. Seaborg | 106 | [nb ១] | [266]6 | 7 | Transition metal |
Si | Silicon | Latin silex (flint) | 14 | [nb ៣] | 28.0855(3)14 | 3 | Metalloid |
Sm | Samarium | samarskite | 62 | [nb ២] | 150.36(2)6 | Lanthanide | |
Sn | Tin | Latin stannum (tin) | 50 | [nb ២] | 118.710(7)14 | 5 | Other metal |
Sr | ស្ត្រុងចូម (Strontium) | Strontian | 38 | [nb ២][nb ៣] | 87.62(1)2 | 5 | Alkaline earth metal |
Ta | តង់ដាល់ (Tantalum) | King Tantalus | 73 | 180.94788(2) | 5 | 6 | Transition metal |
Tb | Terbium | Ytterby, Sweden | 65 | 158.92535(2) | 6 | Lanthanide | |
Tc | Technetium | Greek technetos (artificial) | 43 | [nb ១] | [98]7 | 5 | Transition metal |
Te | Tellurium | Greek tellus (Earth) | 52 | [nb ២] | 127.60(3)16 | 5 | Metalloid |
Th | Thorium | Thor | 90 | [nb ១][nb ២] | 232.03806(2)7 | Actinide | |
Ti | Titanium | the Titans | 22 | 47.867(1) | 4 | 4 | Transition metal |
Tl | Thallium | Greek thallos (shoot) | 81 | 204.3833(2) | 13 | 6 | Other metal |
Tm | Thulium | Thule and the traditional -ium ending | 69 | 168.93421(2) | 6 | Lanthanide | |
U | Uranium | Uranus | 92 | [nb ១][nb ២][nb ៤] | 238.02891(3)7 | Actinide | |
Uuo | Ununoctium | Latin uni, uni, and oct (one, one, eight) | 118 | [nb ១] | [294]18 | 7 | Unknown |
Uup | Ununpentium | Latin uni, uni, and Greek pent (one, one, five) | 115 | [nb ១] | [288]15 | 7 | Unknown |
Uus | Ununseptium | Latin uni, uni, and sept (one, one, seven) | 117 | [nb ១] | [294]17 | 7 | Unknown |
Uut | Ununtrium | Latin uni, uni, and Greek tri (one, one, three) | 113 | [nb ១] | [284]13 | 7 | Unknown |
V | វ៉ាណាដ្យូម (Vanadium) | Vanadis | 23 | 50.9415(1) | 5 | 4 | Transition metal |
W | Tungsten | German wolfram (wolf-froth) | 74 | 183.84(1) | 6 | 6 | Transition metal |
Xe | Xenon | Greek xenos (alien) | 54 | [nb ២][nb ៤] | 131.293(6)18 | 5 | ឧស្ម័នកំរ |
Y | អុីទ្រីយ៉ូម (Yttrium) | Ytterby, Sweden | 39 | 88.90585(2) | 3 | 5 | Transition metal |
Yb | Ytterbium | Ytterby, Sweden | 70 | [nb ២] | 173.04(3)6 | Lanthanide | |
Zn | Zinc | German zin (tin) | 30 | 65.409(4) | 12 | 4 | Transition metal |
Zr | Zirconium | zircon | 40 | [nb ២] | 91.224(2)4 | 5 | Transition metal |
Legend for category color
Antimatter atoms are denoted by a bar above the symbol for their matter counterpart, so e.g. H is the symbol for antihydrogen.
[កែប្រែ]- Element name etymologies. Retrieved July 15, 2005.
- Atomic Weights of the Elements 2001, Pure Appl. Chem. 75(8), 1107–1122, 2003. Retrieved June 30, 2005. Atomic weights of elements with atomic numbers from 1–109 taken from this source.
- IUPAC Standard Atomic Weights Revised Archived 2008-03-05 at the វេយប៊ែខ ម៉ាស៊ីន. (2005).
- WebElements Periodic Table. Retrieved June 30, 2005. Atomic weights of elements with atomic numbers 110–116 taken from this source.
- Lapp, Ralph E. Matter. Life Science Library. New York: Time Incorporated. 1963.
- Leighton, Robert B. Principles of Modern Physics. New York: McGraw-Hill. 1959.
- Scerri, E.R. "The Periodic Table, Its Story and Its Significance". New York, Oxford University Press. 2007.
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