- G-Devith
- GMM Grammy
- Ganymede (moon)
- Geeks in cambodia
- Genghiskhan
- Genshin Impact
- Georgia
- German Empire
- Germany
- Global Positioning System
- Gloomy Sunday
- Go, Dog. Go!
- Go, Dog. Go! (សៀវភៅ)
- Go-Tōbun no Hanayome
- Google+
- Google Earth
- Google ស្វែងរក
- Goosebumps (ភាពយន្ត)
- Got7
- Grand Theft Auto V
- Great American Cookies
- Gross domestic product
- Guatemala
- Guillermo Lasso
- Guizhou JL-9
- H:MW
- HAL Tejas
- HTML tag
- HTV2
- HTV3
- HTV7
- HTV9
- Halo 3: ODST
- Hanoi
- Hanshin Tiges
- Harbin SH-5
- Harvard University
- Haunted Tales for Wicked Kids
- Hauptseite
- Heinrich Rudolf Hertz
- Heng sophea
- Henry Cavendish
- Henry Jarvis Raymond
- Hik Hik
- Hill's equation
- Him Sivorn
- Hitler
- Ho Chi Minh
- Ho Chi Minh City
- Honda HA-420 HondaJet
- Honey Dew Donuts
- Hongdu JL-8
- Hongdu L-15
- How Green Was My Valley (ភាពយន្ត)
- Human history
- HyperText Markup Language
- Hypertext
- Hypertext Markup Language
- Hà Nội
- Hồ Chí Minh
- ICT Battambang
- ISO 3166
- ISO 3166-1
- ISO 3166-2:KH
- Ico Bit Zip
- Idol (ចម្រៀង បទយ៉ូអាសូប៊ី )
- In-N-Out Burger
- Indefinite article
- India
- Indian Ocean
- Indochinese Union
- Indonesia
- Indrasakdi Sachi
- Integrated development environment
- Integrating factor
- International Phonetic Alphabet
- Internet
- Intramural
- Iran
- Iraq
- Isle of Wight
- Italian language
- Jack in the Box
- Jaggery
- Jakarta
- Jamestown រដ្ឋ Virginia
- Japan
- Japanese language
- Japanese national university
- JavaScript
- Javascript
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- Jayavarman II
- Jayavarman III
- Jenny Rivera
- Jibaku Shōnen Hanako-kun
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- John Peter Didier
- Joomla!
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- KAI T-50 Golden Eagle
- KM
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- Kanojo, Okarishimasu
- Kate Cate
- Kawasaki OH-1
- Kazakhstan
- Kde
- Kep Province
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- Khmer New Year
- Khmer language
- Kidflomatic
- Kids Diana Show
- Kikoriki
- Kimetsu no Yaiba
- Kingdom of Thailand
- Kirirom National Park
- Kiryat Hahinokh របស់ Amos de Shalit
- Kit (association football)
- Kiva (អង្គការ)
- Kiên Giang province
- Koompi
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- Korean language
- KramaOS
- Krishna
- Krispy Kreme
- Kuk Yeay Ham
- Kuwait
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- Lady of the Tropics
- Language localisation
- Lanterne céleste
- Laos
- Layal Abboud
- Ldp khum setbo
- Lebanon
- Leopard 2
- LibreOffice
- Linguasphere Observatory
- Linus Torvalds
- Lionel Messi
- List of Khmer words of Chinese origin
- List of ongoing armed conflicts
- List of sovereign states
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- Local area network
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- Menelaus' theorem
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- Mettā
- Mexico
- Microsoft
- Microsoft .NET Framework
- Microsoft word 2007
- Miguel Hidalgo
- Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla
- Mikoyan MiG-29
- Minecraft
- Miss Grand International 2018
- Miss Grand International 2019
- Mister World
- Mode Gakuen Cocoon Tower
- Money Heist
- Mongolia
- Monsta X
- Moon OS
- Morocco
- Morus alba
- Moscow
- Mosovce
- Motion sickness
- Mošovce
- MrBeast
- Mulberry (ដើមឈើ)
- MyHeritage
- My Hero Academia
- My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
- Myanmar
- México
- NEC PC-6001
- NSU ម៉ូតូហឺនវ៉ែខឺរ
- Nanchang Q-5
- Naruhito
- Natural Killer cell
- Near Field Communication
- Nepal
- Nestlé Bear Brand
- Newton–Cotes formulas
- Newton–Cotes rules
- Ngo Dinh Diem
- Nguyễn Hữu Thọ
- Nguyễn Phú Trọng
- Nguyễn Sinh Cung
- Nguyễn Văn Thiệu
- Nguyễn Xuân Phúc
- Ngô Đình Diệm
- NiDA
- Niall Horan
- Ninja Warrior
- Nokoreach
- Norodom Marie
- Norodom Suramarit
- North Korea
- North Vietnam
- Nymphaeaceae
- OSGeo
- Olympic Games
- Oman
- Oneida Football Club
- Onsen
- OpenStreetMap
- Open Access Week
- Oshi no Ko
- Oudong
- Outline of Buddhism
- PMTair Flight 241
- Pacific Ocean
- Pakistan
- Palestine
- Pali
- Pan Ron
- Panda Express
- Panic disorder
- Paperback
- Paramphistomatoses
- Paris
- Paul Walker
- PediaPress
- Pei Wei Asian Diner
- Pentagon
- Pepsi
- Periodic table
- Philippines
- Phnom Penh
- Phnom Penh Cultural Center
- Phnom Penh Institute of Technology
- Phnom Penh International Airport
- Phsar Tuol Poung
- Phu Quoc
- Phumikhmer
- Phú Quốc
- Phạm Minh Chính
- Pich Sophea (Solo អាល់ប៊ុម)
- Pick Up Stix
- Pidgin
- Pilatus PC-7
- Pink Floyd
- Pizza Hut
- Pleng Music Awards
- Plumeria
- Poland
- Polandball
- Polska
- Polygamma function
- Pomegranate
- Pope VI
- Portada
- Portal:China
- Portal:Contents
- Portal:Contents/Portals
- Portal:Current events/Headlines
- Portal:Current events/Inclusion
- Portal:Current events/More events
- Portal:Current events/News Browser
- Portal:Current events/News Browser/doc
- Portal:Current events/Sidebar
- Portal:Featured portals
- Portal:box-footer
- Portal:ក្រុងព្រះសីហនុ
- Portal:សាសនា
- Portugal
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- Prajna Paramita
- Prang Song Phi Nong
- Preah Vihear
- Preap Sovath
- Prerna S Sharma
- Provinces of Cambodia
- Ptolemy's theorem
- Pyeonsu
- Q-theta function
- Qatar
- Quadratic function
- Queen band
- RHM Album (CD Vol.04)
- RHM Album (CD Vol.19)
- RHM Album (CD Vol.20)
- RHM Album (CD Vol.45)
- RHM Album (CD Vol.50)
- Radius
- Rambhai Barni
- Rangoon
- Received Pronunciation (RP)
- Relativity
- René Descartes
- Rfid